Monday, July 21, 2008

The world is at your feet. . .

It All Started When...

Two people fell in love (Grandma and Grandpa)

Then, they decided to get married.

Then, they decided to have kids. . .A LOT OF KIDS

After growing up in the ranch-style country, their kids became strong and old enough to scoot off and become adults

Five men, Five Women. . .ready to go off in the world and make thier own choices. . .

That's where we come in...

Heat is Horrible!

Heat + Humidity = NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!

What does your family do?

Write it here on this blog-- traditions, plannings, parties, and just day-to-day activities. Post ads, poems, stories, plans, OTHER, here, guys. It's a Lamb world, and oh so wonderful.